Ultimas Entradas

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Tom Morello - Bold as Rage

Esto fue una compilacion de la extinta web audioslavelatino.com, recoge un monton de rarezas de Tom, en RATM, Lock Up, Weatherman (Otro proyecto de Tom) , Nightwatchman, y en colaboraciones con otros artistas. Una gran compilacion, disfrutala!

Lista de Temas:

1_Ain't Nothing Da Fuck Wit (Feat. Wu Tang Clan & Chad Smith)
2_Come with Me (Feat. Puff Daddy & Jimmy Page)
3_Where the Sky Meets the Street (Lock Up)
4_Maniac (Lock Up)
5_Clear the Lane (RATM Demo Tape)
6_Darkness (RATM, The Crow Soundtrack)
7_Bombtrack (RATM, Single Bonus Track)
8_No Shelter (RATM, Godzilla Soundtrack)
9_Enola Gay (Weatherman Sessions)
10_Drop (Weatherman Sessions)
11_Action Man (Weatherman Sessions)
12_One Man Army (Prodigy, Spawn Soundtrack)
13_Snoop Bounce (RATM & Snoop Dog)
14_Another Brick In The Wall (Class of 99)
15_It's a Rockin' World (Joe Strummer)
16_Electric Uncle Sam (Primus)
17_Calling Dr. Love (Shandi's Addiction)
18_Here I Come (Audioslave & DMX)
19_Until the End (The Nightwatchman)
20_Where the Streets Have No Name (Axis of Justice)

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